FDA Change Readiness

At a Glance

The FDA needed support to manage the reorganization of its Human Foods Program — impacting 8,000 employees — to ensure effective leadership and communication.

We conducted a change readiness assessment to analyze departmental readiness and identify critical gaps. We then provided workshops and coaching to train leaders on change adoption methodologies.

The program improved leadership and communication, increased change readiness, and minimized disruptions while enhancing overall efficiency and trust.

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In 2023, the FDA announced the unification of CFSAN, OFPR, and parts of ORA into the Human Foods Program, a change that affected 8,000 employees. The FDA sought a partner to help navigate the challenges of this large-scale reorganization.


This leadership reorganization required creating a new hierarchy and workflows, potentially impacting efficiency, trust, and performance. Effective communication was crucial to prevent mistrust, as any deviation from the messaging could hinder change adoption.

Executive Restructuring

New hierarchy and workflows impacted efficiency and trust.

Communication Hurdles

Consistent messaging was essential to prevent mistrust and resistance.

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Our Solution

Management Concepts partnered with FDA leadership to assess change readiness, highlighting awareness, desire, knowledge, and ability to change. We conducted workshops to train leaders and teams on change adoption, ensuring they understood their roles and the overall plan. We also provided coaching to 8 leadership team members to help them manage and communicate changes effectively.


  • Decreased performance interruptions and improved work quality
  • Reduced turnover and enhanced adoption management skills, creating a solid foundation for future changes
  • Increased change readiness in leadership and the entire organization as part of the Human Foods Program


 FDA managed the reorganization smoothly and effectively
 Addressed employee concerns proactively and concisely
 Promoted the importance of change readiness throughout the organization
 Helped the FDA become a more resilient agency ready for the challenges ahead
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