Grants Management Certificate Program™ (GMCP™)

Establish a solid foundation in grants management regulation and best practices with our industry-leading program that sets the standard.

How to Earn a Certificate

Enrolling in and completing one of our Certificate Programs is simple and straightforward. Just complete the following steps to earn your Certificate and accelerate your career in the federal government.

Choose a Program

Find the program and specific track that best meets your professional development needs.

Enroll in Program

Submit a Certificate Program Application to learn more about our programs. Submitting this form doesn’t oblige you to take any courses.

Select and Register

Browse our website to explore our essential training courses for employees and team development, along with available dates.


Complete all program requirements within 3 years of starting your first course. Attend all classes and pass any final exams (if applicable).

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Stay Ahead of Industry Changes

To continue expanding your grants knowledge, we recommend that Grants Management Certificate Program™ graduates complete at least 16 hours of continuing education annually.

Stay Ahead of Industry Changes

Grants Management Certificate Program FAQs

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