Grants Management Certificate Program™ Recipient Track

Learn how to win grants and manage awards for compliance and results —  from successfully identifying assistance opportunities and submitting applications to understanding federal grants regulations and reporting performance. This track is designed for employees of organizations that receive federal funds either directly from a federal agency or a pass-through entity and use those funds to perform programmatic work.

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Program Requirements

Core Courses

We recommend the following order:
Core Courses
Course name Course ID Delivery methods Length Tuition
Applying for Federal Financial Assistance (Grants & Cooperative Agreements) 2065
2 Days $979 16/14/16
Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients 2062
3 Days $1,119 24/21/24
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Grants: 2 CFR 200 (Subparts A through D) 2050
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16
Cost Principles for Federal Grants: 2 CFR Part 200 (Subpart E) and FAR 31.2 2080
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16

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Elective Courses

Choose at least 6 days of elective courses.
Elective Courses
Course name Course ID Delivery methods Length Tuition
Performance Measurement for Federal Grants under 2 CFR 200 2091
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16
Advanced Cost Principles: Avoiding Problem Areas & Responding to Questioned Costs 2084
1 Day $909 8/7/8
Audit of Federal Grants for Recipients 2087
2 Days $979 16/14/16
Detecting and Preventing Fraud on Federal Grant Projects 2093
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16
Developing & Monitoring Indirect/F&A Cost Rate Proposals under 2 CFR 200 2085
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16
Evaluating Financial Capabilities of Grant Recipients 2042
2 Days $1,149 16/14/8
Federal Assistance Law 2046
3 Days $1,309 24/21/24
Financial Administration of Federal Grants for Recipients 2076
2 Days $979 16/14/16
Preparing Successful Federal Grant Budget Proposals Workshop 2061
1 Day $769 8/7/8
Writing Successful Federal Grant Application Narratives 2060
2 Days $979 16/14/16
Internal Controls for the Federal Grants Community 2068
2 Days $1,089 16/14/16
Relationship Building for Successful Grants Management 2094
2 Days $1,149 16/14/16

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