ASMC Redstone-Huntsville: Navigating the Future
Written by: Vera Medici
The American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) has active chapters across the United States and around the world. On February 6, 2024, the ASMC Redstone-Huntsville Chapter hosted its annual “mini” Professional Development Institute (PDI) in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. Overall, 200 attendees convened in person, with an additional 100 following along online. Management Concepts was proud to participate in the expo portion of the event, along with other dedicated ASMC corporate partners.
The theme “Navigating the Future” was reflected in the topics covered in the general sessions, including overviews of the Army Working Capital Fund; artificial intelligence (AI) and government; US Treasury: G-Invoicing; lesser-known analytical tools and pitfalls; and data tools, transformation, and innovation. Plenary speakers included the Honorable Caral E. Spangler, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), and Brigadier General Christine A. Beeler, Commanding General, US Army Contracting Command.
Representatives from ASMC national staff attended the event, emphasizing “the year of the chapter.” In a lunchtime presentation, Jennifer Sizemore, ASMC’s national senior manager of member programs and volunteer support, spoke about chapter development and the resources chapter members could take advantage of using national programming and benefits.
In between sessions, Management Concepts greeted DoD FM professionals at our booth in the exhibit hall, highlighting our G-Invoicing and the Intragovernmental Process course, PPBE Workshop: Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution, and Army PPBE Workshop. Management Concepts is also proud to provide the Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC) and earned designation as a CFO Council Trusted Training Education Provider. The event wrapped up with a lively evening reception.
Check out event photos on our Facebook page and visit our ASMC partnership page to stay up to date on Management Concepts’ participation at upcoming ASMC events, including the National Capital Region PDI, with participating chapters across the Washington, DC, region.