GPA GrantSummit 2023: In the Heart of America
Written by: Management Concepts
The annual tradition continues: Management Concepts had a wonderful time connecting and reconnecting with all our Grant Professional Association (GPA) friends at the GrantSummit, which took place November 1–4, 2023, in Kansas City, Missouri. Over 1,400 grants professionals convened in person and online to learn, connect, and have some fun.
Coming from across the United States and Canada, grant professionals were welcomed with a celebratory reception as the GPA celebrated its 25th anniversary. The conference-goers were able to mix and mingle while engaging with the sponsors in the exhibit hall. The next morning kicked off with the opening session and the GPA’s Annual Meeting, and then it was time for breakout sessions.
Breakout session topics addressed a wide variety of hot topics, including the role of AI in grants, inclusive language and DEIA, and properly preparing for a grant. Conference-goers were also provided with updates from the Grants QSMO and the Office of Management Budget (who provided a review of key proposed updates to the Uniform Guidance, as well as a heads-up to expect the final rule in early 2024).
Attendees also had fun at our exhibit hall booth, where we continued the tradition of displaying a message board question every day. Our message board invited conference-goers to write their answers to a new question every day. Questions of the day included, “What is your best advice to a new grant professional?” Popular answers included, “following directions, telling the stakeholders the due date is earlier than it actually is, to always edit again, be willing to collaborate, sleep when you can, and always use SMART goals.” We hope those new grant professionals were paying attention!
We’re looking forward to next year’s GrantSummit in Denver, Colorado. To keep up with our GPA activities and event participation throughout the year, visit our GPA partnership page.