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Federal Spotlight: Kimberly Steide

Federal Spotlight: Kimberly Steide icon

Kimberly Steide serves as Human Capital Planning and HR Stat Program Manager at the U.S. Department of Treasury. Here is our Federal Spotlight interview:

MC: How long have you been in Federal service and what is your main responsibility in your role today?

Kimberly Steide: I have over 20 years of Federal Service, eight in the Armed Forces, and 13 as a civilian employee. My current responsibilities include managing the human capital planning for the Department of Treasury. This role involves ensuring the inclusion of workforce considerations as decisions are made, as related to the direction of the organization through the use of data, identifying the appropriate workforce strategies to assist the organization in meeting its goals and objectives, tracking the progress on those strategies, and managing adjustments as necessary.

MC: What keeps you motivated and passionate to stay in the public sector?

KS: I come from a family committed to service, specifically military. That service spans all of the services except the U.S. Coast Guard. I believe in this country and the responsibility we all have to shape how this country is perceived. Human capital is often the face of an organization, and is typically the entry point for interactions with the broader community.

I am passionate about this work because it supports a broader objective and is a critical piece in moving my agency and the Federal government forward, and it allows us to serve the public in the best way possible. Knowing that I have the ability to shape how organizations provide the “care and feeding” to the workforce, that motivates me on a daily basis.

MC: What is one of your biggest achievements?

KS: One of my greatest accomplishments is helping to shape the implementation of the new regulation on human capital management in the Federal government. This section of the regulation has been newly revised and provides a more detailed explanation of the expected outcomes associated with the human capital life cycle.

Being afforded the opportunity to work on an interagency team charged with developing guidance to assist with the implementation of various aspects of this section of the regulation is a long-lasting accomplishment that will shape the effectiveness of human capital for years to come. Being recognized as a Federal expert in this area is incredibly fulfilling.

MC: What advice would you share with young people on entering government?

KS: I would tell young people to not shy away from pursuing a career in public service due to the rumors and misperceptions they hear. There are opportunities to gain experience and exposure that you cannot experience anyplace else.

There are so many diverse career fields available in the Federal government that it should seriously be considered. Anyone interested in serving their community can make an impact in Federal service. You do not always have to be a big fish in the pond to effect change; all positive change is worthwhile.

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