What's New in Grants?
Written by: Sarah K. Hluchan
Happy Belated Fiscal New Year!
Fiscal Year 2021 has ended, and Fiscal Year 2022 is in full swing. Let’s take a look at what’s been happening that impacts the grants community:
- Uniform Guidance – Last August, OMB released the updated Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), and all of the provisions became effective by November 2020.
- Stimulus Package – Congress passed another large stimulus package in the American Rescue Plan.
- Funding Guidance – OMB issued guidance on effective implementation and stewardship of the funding.
- PRAC Updates – The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) began releasing findings and reports (more than 275 to date, including Lessons Learned)
- SAM.gov – Beta.SAM.gov has fully transitioned to the new SAM.gov.
Yet to come in FY 2022
- Unique Entity Identifier – In April, we’ll finally see the retirement of the DUNS number as the transition to the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) is completed.
- More from PRAC – We’ll learn more about the CARES and ARPA funding accomplishments and challenges as the PRAC continues to report.
- PMA – The administration will release its Presidential Management Agenda (PMA), including cross-agency priority goals. We expect that grants will continue to be a key topic within the PMA.
- Improvements – Continued efforts to modernize grants management, increase accountability and transparency, and better track outcomes.
To help you keep up to date on all these changes, Management Concepts is excited to announce the launch of Federal Grants Update 2022, the latest course in our grants update series. This installment provides a refresher of those all-important 2 CFR 200 changes, an overview of the OMB memorandums issued over the last year, and details on the updated Compliance Supplement ― keep an eye out for addendums still to come. If you have questions about what’s changed with closeout timelines, indirect cost rates, or the current status of the GREAT Act, we’ve got you covered. Sign up today to start your fiscal year off right. We also offer a comprehensive suite of additional grants training programs for developing a solid foundation in grants requirements, regulations, and best practices. We’ve got you covered for all your grant-related needs!