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Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Grants: 2 CFR 200 (Subparts A through D)
Learn to confidently navigate the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) Subparts A–D. This course will help you make sense of this critical and complex grants regulation. Gain an in-depth understanding of how these requirements apply for grantors and grantees across the grant lifecycle. This is a core course in all tracks of the GMCP™.
Introduction to Grants & Cooperative Agreements for Federal Personnel
Learn to navigate the federal grants lifecycle—from pre-award to closeout—and understand key federal regulations such as the Uniform Guidance to successfully manage your federal grants! This introductory courses provides you with a comprehensive overview of the federal grants process, including recognizing the legal basis for issuing federal financial assistance and all the responsibilities that come with it. This is a core course in the Federal Track of the GMCP™.
Internal Controls for the Federal Grants Community
Apply foundational knowledge of Government Accountability Office (GAO) standards, risk management, and requirements outlined in 2 CFR 200 to conduct effective internal controls. You will practice using these concepts by reviewing sample policies for compliance and understanding key components of an internal control process. This is an elective course in all tracks of the Grants Management Certificate Program™.
Relationship Building for Successful Grants Management
Build effective partnerships to improve the performance of your grants using emotional intelligence and leadership best practices. This course will look at how to build relationships, understand other points of view, and communicate effectively. You will develop an understanding of the importance of managing relationships to improve the performance of federal grants.
Managing Cost Share and Program Income for Federal Grants Seminar
Explore best practices for managing cost-share and program issues and learn how organizations can use cost share and income strategically to support project and program sustainability.
Analyzing and Applying Indirect Cost Rates for Federal Grant Recipients
Gain the skills necessary to master the principles of indirect cost management, including cost classification, rate determination, and the application of indirect cost information throughout the grant lifecycle. Develop a comprehensive understanding of how to negotiate and apply rates effectively from pre-award proposals to post-award financial reporting, ensuring compliance with federal regulations and supporting effective grant administration.
Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients
Learn to effectively manage your federal grant awards! This course will help you develop a working knowledge of the grants lifecycle to manage your grant for compliance and results. This course will help you develop a working understanding of issues that affect day-to-day operations and federal grant management through a series of exercises and discussions. You will cover topics such as site visits to managing cost-share contributions throughout the period of performance. This is a core course in the Pass-Through and Recipient Tracks of the Grants Management Certificate Program™.
Developing and Leveraging Risk Assessments for Grants Management
Explore pre-award and post-award risk assessments through key topics like defining risk factors, qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methodologies, documenting risk assessments, using risk assessments to identify specific conditions during pre-award, and using risk assessment results to develop post-award monitoring plans.
Evaluating Financial Capabilities of Grant Recipients
Apply effective best practices and leverage data and tools to assess the financial capabilities of federal award recipients. Discover when and how to evaluate recipients; conduct risk assessments; and monitor activities through financial statements, audit reports, and cost analysis—before, during, and after a federal award. This is an elective course in both the Federal and Pass-Through tracks of the GMCP™.
Procurement with Federal Grant Funds Seminar
Gain practical knowledge on how to initiate and manage procurements with federal grant funding. Learn which standards apply when using federal funds to buy goods and services and explore best practices for managing procurements. This course leverages case studies focused on real-world application and outcomes to help you identify ways to enhance your organization’s compliance and efficiency.
Prioritizing and Conducting Grant Monitoring Activities
Review grant monitoring techniques and explore how risk assessments can be leveraged in monitoring plan development. Learn ways to conduct monitoring activities and better communicate with grantees. You are encouraged to share your monitoring plan and other example documents with the facilitator in advance.
Financial Administration of Federal Grants for Recipients
Gain experience identifying financial requirements for federal awards, preparing financial reports, and conducting desk reviews to meet complex fiscal obligations throughout the grant lifecycle. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient tracks of the GMCP™.
Preparing Successful Federal Grant Budget Proposals Workshop
Learn to develop a budget worksheet and narrative based on common federal grant requirements with this detailed walk-through of the process. This workshop covers requirements gathering, cost estimation, and submission so you will leave with the knowledge to create and adapt a development process at your organization. You are encouraged to bring your own budget proposal to class. This is an elective course in the Pass-Through and Recipient tracks of the GMCP™.