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Appropriations Law for Contracting Professionals
Discover how to properly use federally appropriated funds to be compliant with federal appropriations law. Guided by GAO’s Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book), you will learn to comply with relevant laws and regulations, gain a deeper understanding of contracting and procurement activities, and reinforce understanding through scenario-based exercises. You obtain the crucial background, tools, and techniques to make sound decisions concerning appropriated funds back on the job.
Appropriations Law for Federal Grants
Develop a working knowledge of appropriations law outlined in the Red Book to better navigate the grants process. This course will teach participants to effectively steward federally appointed funds, remain compliant with appropriations law requirements, and avoid serious repercussions. Participants will learn about the different types of appropriations (such as one-year, multi-year, and no-year funding) and their requirements, as well as the challenges around time-limited funds. This course also explores documented cases where agencies have had appropriation issues, and discuss how these could have been prevented or resolved. This is an elective course in the Federal Track of the GMCP™.
Appropriations Law for Revolving Funds and Reimbursables
Understand the various aspects of federal business activities, such as reimbursables, revolving funds, and user fees, to comply with legal requirements for government business transactions. You will learn how to properly apply the basic tenets of appropriations to your agency transactional work by examining and discussing the requirements of Chapter 12 from Volume 3 of the third edition of the GAO Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book) and other guidelines.
Appropriations Law Refresher and Update
Refresh your knowledge of appropriations law basics and gain a deeper understanding of the latest changes and developments to ensure the proper use of federally appropriated funds. Through interactive case studies based on recent GAO decisions and a focus on key concepts of appropriations law, learn how to identify changes in policy and their impact to avoid Antideficiency Act (ADA) violations.
Appropriations Law Seminar
Discover how to steward federally appointed funds correctly in order to remain compliant with appropriations law requirements and avoid serious repercussions. By exploring the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book), Volume I and part of Volume II, you will learn about the availability of federally appropriated funds. You’ll delve into the three pillars—purpose, time, and amount—and will learn to apply the principles to avoid Antideficiency Act violations.
Appropriations Law Seminar
Discover how to steward federally appointed funds correctly in order to remain compliant with appropriations law requirements and avoid serious repercussions. By exploring the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (the Red Book), Volume I and part of Volume II, you will learn about the availability of federally appropriated funds. You’ll delve into the three pillars—purpose, time, and amount—at a high level and will learn to apply the principles to avoid Antideficiency Act violations. For more in-depth coverage of appropriations law, consider the Appropriations Law Seminar course.
Appropriations Law: Advanced Applications
Where and how to find guidance to address an appropriations law issue may not be readily apparent—and the consequences may be harsh if you get it wrong. This course builds on the principles of appropriations law to guide participants through the process of analyzing and researching an appropriations law issue, then defending the ultimate decision to stakeholders.
Fiscal Law in DoD
Explore the ways that the DoD must comply with an exceptionally broad spectrum of relevant laws and regulations relating to appropriation laws and guidelines. You’ll learn about appropriation law constraints, flexibilities, and unique DoD exceptions with regard to the legal availability of appropriated funds, how to apply DoD funding principles and obligation rules, and recognize what constitutes a legal obligation.
The Antideficiency Act
Discover the nuances of the Antideficiency Act (ADA), a set of rules and regulations governing federal appropriations which has potential ramifications for both agencies and individual employees. You will learn the legal provisions surrounding the acceptance of gifts, travel benefits, and other illegal augmentations to an appropriation.
The Legislative Process: Working with Congress
Learn how Congress is organized, how it functions, and how to interact with congressional committees that oversee agency programs and appropriated funds. You will establish a working knowledge of Congress by exploring best practices for interacting with key players and applying proven budget development, presentation, and justification techniques.
Course Name
Course ID
Delivery Methods
Appropriations Law for Contracting Professionals | 1051 | 3 Days | $1239 | 24/21/24 | |
Appropriations Law for Federal Grants | 2045 | 1 Day | $909 | 8/0/8 | |
Appropriations Law for Revolving Funds and Reimbursables | 5147 | 2 Days | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
Appropriations Law Refresher and Update | 5157 | 2 Days | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
Appropriations Law Seminar | 5111 | 4 Days | $1469 | 32/28/32 | |
Appropriations Law Seminar | 5211 | 2 Days | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
Appropriations Law: Advanced Applications | 5159 | 2 Days | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
Fiscal Law in DoD | 5511 | 2 Days | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
The Antideficiency Act | 5127 | 2 Day | $1009 | 16/14/16 | |
The Legislative Process: Working with Congress | 5189 | 3 Days | $1189 | 24/21/16 |