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Army PPBE Workshop
Understand the nuances of the DoD Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process that determines how much funding programs receive. You will gain knowledge of the procedures and rules governing budget development within DoD and how to implement the PPBE process in the Army. You will practice developing a performance plan and allocating resources through a capstone Army program exercise.
Benefit-Cost Analysis Using Microsoft Excel
Discover how to utilize Microsoft Excel for benefit-cost analysis to organize facts, assumptions, estimates, and findings to align your decisions with your organization’s goals and mission. You will learn to conduct accurate benefit-cost analyses in Microsoft Excel using fundamental principles, best practices, and powerful tools.
Budget Analysis Techniques Boot Camp Using Microsoft Excel
More effective analyses lead to better budget decisions for the organization and improved financial performance. Using the various features and functions of Excel, participants will learn how to perform the analyses to support budgetary decisions and present data graphically for stakeholders. You will spend 80% of your class time working in Microsoft Excel to gain hands-on experience that you can apply on the job.
Budget Analyst’s Essential Guide to Formulation, Justification, and Execution
Understand federal agency budget functions to support organizational compliance with laws and regulations such as the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act (GPRAMA). In-depth discussions and practical exercises will provide you with the ability to better prioritize tasks and strategize how to make more effective budgeting decisions.
Budget Estimating Using Microsoft Excel
Discover how to leverage Microsoft Excel to analyze budgets and finances to help ensure the accurate and timely preparation of budget worksheets. After an overview of budgeting, the rules and regulations that govern the process, and the basics of Excel, you will participate in hands-on activities to apply spreadsheet tools and techniques needed to prepare budget worksheets.
Budget Execution
Learn techniques to develop, analyze, and manage program financial plans to successfully execute a budget. This course explores the laws and procedures that guide the budgeting process, including coverage of the policies outlined in OMB Circular A-11 along with other relevant financial management policies.
Budget Formulation
Learn about budget formulation as an essential step in the process of securing financial resources for your agency to fulfill the mission and deliver programs. You will also gain the skills and techniques to produce a solid budget submission, which will lead to better decision-making about future program activities and strategies.
Budget Justification: Effective Preparation and Submission
Prepare effective written budget justifications that can win approval for budget requirements in your agency's formulated budget. In addition to learning about the overall budget justification process, you will practice the writing skills and techniques necessary to prepare written justification narratives at the agency, OMB, and congressional levels in accordance with OMB Circular A-11.
Budgeting and Accounting: Making the Connection
Gain a deep understanding and insight into why federal budgeting and accounting is challenging for accountants and budgeteers alike. Eliminate your insecurities about the requirements of federal budgeting and accounting with an introduction to these functions, as well as their integration into the federal financial management process. Through a discussion-based class where you will share experiences with others in similar roles, you will learn about these concepts to improve your approach to financial management.
Data Analysis for Financial Managers Using Microsoft Excel
Gain the skills and techniques to effectively use Microsoft Excel for data analysis and data-driven decision making. Through real-world exercises, you will learn how to use Excel to validate data and construct financial models to ultimately make the best possible decisions for your program or agency.
Managerial Cost Accounting for Decision Support
Explore effective ways to gather, develop, provide, use, and analyze cost information to accurately determine the full cost of federal programs, their activities, and their outputs. This course emphasizes applying the requirements of SFFAS 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government, and introduces participants to the relationship between cost accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. Gain an understanding of how cost information provides Congress, program managers, and the public with information used as the basis for making decisions about allocating federal resources; authorizing, adjusting, or eliminating programs; and assessing program performance.
PPBE Workshop: Defense Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
Learn how the Department of Defense (DoD) Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) System defines which programs meet military strategy requirements and the amount of funding received. Understand the rules and procedures that govern the development of budgets, as well as the decisions behind program funding. You will gain a deep understanding of the DoD-specific PPBE process through discussions and exercises that use DoD artifacts and resources.
Preparation and Analysis of the SF 133
Explore the components of the submission of the Standard Form (SF) 133 to help fulfill the requirement that federal expenditures be reviewed quarterly to support the monitoring of apportioned funds. Examine key aspects of SF 133, including a reporting unit’s sources of budget authority, the status of budgetary resources, and information on obligated balances and outlays as a financial manager. You will learn how United States Standard General Ledger (USSGL) attributes are used to track transactions. You will complete several exercises and an SF 133 based on a real-world scenario.
Program and Budget Analysis Using Microsoft Excel
Learn to effectively navigate Excel for more productive analyses and the ability to graphically represent data, aiding in organizational efforts to track expenditures and control budget execution. You will spend about 75% of your time working in Microsoft Excel to get the hands-on training to apply what you learn back on the job.
The Federal Budget Process
Understand the process of how federal funds are planned for, authorized, appropriated, apportioned, allocated, and executed each year. Through examination of current events, you will learn the formulation, enactment, and execution phases of the federal budget process.
The Legislative Process: Working with Congress
Learn how Congress is organized, how it functions, and how to interact with congressional committees that oversee agency programs and appropriated funds. You will establish a working knowledge of Congress by exploring best practices for interacting with key players and applying proven budget development, presentation, and justification techniques.