State and Local Government Training and Development Solutions
Leverage the expert resources that federal agencies and organizations rely on to electrify your impact at the state and local levels.
Grants and Assistance
We understand that federal grant funding is essential to making your programs work and supporting your community. Our curriculum combines regulation with best practice to give you the tools you need to navigate the federal grants lifecycle. Whether you’re just getting ready to apply, preparing for an audit, or monitoring multiple subrecipients, we have you covered.
Applying for Federal Financial Assistance (Grants & Cooperative Agreements)
Learn winning strategies to make the federal financial assistance application process easier and more fluid. Course participants will identify and review funding opportunities to determine the feasibility of submitting an application. Participants will walk through the key components of an…
Managing Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements for Recipients
Learn to effectively manage your federal grant awards! This course will help you develop a working knowledge of the grants lifecycle to manage your grant for compliance and results. This course will help you develop a working understanding of issues…
Subawarding for Pass-Through Entities
Learn how to maintain a compliant subaward process and implement effective monitoring and oversight procedures to manage your subrecipients. This course will help you navigate grants management as a pass-through entity, including the requirements in the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR…
Financial Management
Explore proven ways to reduce the risks of waste, fraud, and mismanagement through a series of internal control courses designed for managers, supervisors, and staff at all levels.
Internal Control for Managers
Sharpen your ability to assess risks and implement effective internal controls to address those risks. Gain an understanding of what is needed to support an organization’s compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act,…
Manage Risk through Effective Enterprise Risk Management
Understand the relationship between internal control and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to address agency risks by conveying their impact across a strategically aligned portfolio. This leads to the accurate prioritization of challenges to support effective use of resources and the…
Overview of Internal Control Guidance
Get an overview of internal controls to help your organization effectively control financial resources, meet legal and regulatory obligations, and minimize the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse. This course features facilitated discussion-based learning that will enable you to gain…
Acquisition and Contracting
Leverage the award-winning training that federal agencies have trusted for over 50 years to enhance your staff’s acquisition and contracting skills. Our courses provide the foundational knowledge and expertise needed to optimize your acquisition and contracting initiatives.
ACQ 315: Understanding Industry (Business Acumen)
Discover business acumen competencies including industry orientation, organization, cost and financial planning, business strategy/development, supplier management, incentives, and negotiation. This course will provide a thorough understanding of the strategy, finances, operational considerations, and motivators that drive contractor business decisions.
Acquisition of Commercial Products and Commercial Services
Leverage a nuanced understanding of FAR Part 12 to effectively streamline the process for acquiring commercial products and commercial services to save your project time and money. Learn how to determine what is a commercial product or commercial service and…
Contract Administration
Dissect challenges inherent in contract administration like contract modification, subcontractor oversight, performance monitoring, quality assurance, and other key phases. You will examine the duties performed by contracting personnel during the administration phase of the acquisition process and improve your knowledge…
Writing Performance Work Statements
Agencies need to tell contractors what to do, not how to do it. This is the guidance according to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 37, which requires agencies to maximize the use of performance-based methods when contracting. You will determine…
Project and Program Management
Strengthen essential project and program management skills to help ensure projects are completed on time and on budget.
Managing Projects of Differing Complexity
Learn the strategies needed to meet the unique challenges associated with complex projects and how to apply proven techniques and best practices in a specific and systematic way. This course will introduce you to a recommended complex project management process…
Strategic Portfolio and Resource Management
Explore how effective portfolio management requires more than just managing separate portfolio components and measuring return on investment (ROI). It requires an approach that ensures the different components within the portfolio support each other in meeting overall organizational goals. You…
Leadership and Communication Skills for Project Leaders
Discover how successful project leaders proactively manage stakeholder relationships and apply leadership and communication skills that propel a project forward with confidence. You will learn to develop skills to optimize your team’s effectiveness by assessing and tailoring your personal leadership…
Sharpen your understanding of how to properly collect, analyze, and utilize data to make the right decisions for your organization.
Introduction to Analytics
Evaluate and solve problems using key analytics skills, including a structured six-step Analytics Process Model, which you will apply through guided collaborative scenarios with top-tier instructors. Conduct analysis projects using Microsoft Excel and develop the skills you need to improve…
Data-Driven Decision Making
Explore the General Decision Support Model, a framework to guide effective decision-making during the analytics process, which helps ensure a sound business strategy based on facts. You will practice developing the questions, understanding stakeholder needs, identifying risks and uncertainties, and…
Introduction to Data Visualization
Learn to select an appropriate visual format to communicate data and extract valuable information from your organization’s data by removing the barriers to understanding key information. Apply basic best practices for data visualization, which will allow you to identify how…
Leadership and Management
Whether you are an aspiring leader, have just been promoted, or are struggling with conflict in your current team, our courses can help give you the skills you need to communicate and manage effectively.
Supervisor’s Workshop
Gain the skills and foundational concepts for effective supervision and enable those you manage to perform to their highest potential. Examining and discussing real-world examples and participating in experiential exercises, you will explore the technical and leadership skills to drive…
Women in Leadership
Explore the unique challenges women face in the professional work environment and the resulting contributions and perspectives they offer as leaders. This course offers the opportunity for women to engage with other women, increase their support network, and further define…
Building and Sustaining Teams
Discover techniques aimed at enhancing communication and streamlining processes to boost team performance. This course emphasizes effective intention-setting, strategic planning, and seamless collaboration. Through interactive discussions, self-reflection, and evaluation of current methods, you will learn to construct and maintain high-performing…
Ready to Start?
Enroll today in one of our many relevant courses or fill out the form below to engage with one of our sales representatives to set up a robust and comprehensive training and professional development plan.