EDFMTC at Management Concepts

We’ve completely reimagined our Enhanced Defense Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC) so federal employees involved in defense financial management will be able to leverage our unmatched proficiency to power their careers forward at their agencies and organizations.

The Most Effective Training Preparation for the CDFM Certification Exam

The redesigned EDFMTC sets up students for success by offering more value across the three core modules. Each module provides a thorough and thoughtful exploration of essential topics while using scenario-based training that places students into challenges they’ll face everyday in their professional roles.

More Instructor Time

This new module structure enables our experienced Defense FM instructors to deliver more in-depth facilitation and engagement with the course materials than ever before.

More Exam Preparation

From flash cards and explainer videos to 24/7 access to knowledge assessment questions and more, the reimagined EDFMTC provides a wealth of post-course study aids and guidance to keep every student on track.

More Practicality

By pairing a robust study of key subject matter areas with actual examples that showcase how the training will be applied in real professional situations, students will be ready to apply their newfound skills immediately.

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Prep for CDFM-A Certification

Take training further with the perfect review tool for the Acquisition Specialty Certification (CDFM-A). Our EDFMTC Module 4: Acquisition Business Management course provides comprehensive overview of the rules governing the acquisition of major defense systems from the program manager’s perspective.

Prep for CDFM-A Certification


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