Career Gateway: Acquisition

Equip federal acquisition and contracting professionals new to the field with the technical and business skills they need in their careers through our outcome-focused, experiential, cohort-based training solution.

Singular, State-of-the-Art Acquisition Training

Career Gateway: Acquisition fully explores all phases of the acquisition lifecycle while exposing cohort students to real-world challenges — providing solutions for your agency or organization.

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Firm Foundation

Firm Foundation

Conveys the knowledge and skills new acquisitions professionals need from day one of their acquisition careers and beyond.

Business Focused

Business Focused

Our training program enables students to sharpen their business acumen to prepare them to become essential business advisors at their agencies.

Practical and Applicable

Practical and Applicable

Students will learn key professional concepts and then practice applying those concepts through scenario-based training.

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Get Them Ready for Their Roles — Faster

While new acquisition and contracting professionals may enter their roles with basic knowledge, that’s not enough to address the challenges they’ll face on the job. And having to learn the complexities of their roles on the job leaves your entire organization at risk.

Start them off right with the comprehensive, intensive training they need for success not only for themselves but also for your agency.

Benefits for Students

  • Comprehension and application of key concepts
  • Business acumen skills development
  • Exposure to actual job challenges
  • Collaboration with other cohort students
  • Focused, actionable feedback and coaching
  • Outcome tracking

Benefits for Managers

  • Diminished reliance upon on-the-job training
  • Less need to micromanage new hires
  • Professionals ready for real-world work
  • Better business advice for your agency
  • More time for you to focus on your role

Career Gateway: Acquisition Frequently Asked Questions

Sign Up for Our Next Cohort

Accelerate the path to proficiency for new contract specialists by enrolling in Career Gateway: Acquisition today.

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